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Why You Should Outsource Your ‘Sales Research’

What is sales research and why should you outsource your sales research efforts?

Put across simply, all the research that a sales person would ideally do himself or herself that puts him/her in a position to definitively close the sale is sales research. It is simply research focused on enabling salespeople’s understanding of the target accounts they are targeting and chasing after. Understanding is enabled so as to facilitate more meaningful conversations and smarter selling with the prospect.

It takes a lot of time and effort to compile sales research reports and it is a tedious and repetitive task which takes out a lot of time from your selling efforts. Therefore sales research can simply be outsourced to an Outsourced Services provider like Business Brainz, who specialise in customised research projects.

Insight that comes out of sales research is like ‘oxygen’ for human body. When fresh clean air flows through your body, you feel energised and refreshed. Similarly, the right insight to the sales team puts them in a position to win the deals they chase. Specially, when it comes to ABM, you surely don’t want to leave any stones unturned.

So, why should you outsource your sales research efforts? Here are reasons why:

Saves you time and helps you focus more on selling

Let’s suppose that on average, half an hour of sales research is spent by sales folks. This almost equates to 15 hours a month and 180 hours in a year. That is valuable time spent on doing desk based research which could have been spent on outbound efforts and conversations with prospective customers. Research consultancy companies supports your data and insight requirements in order to power your sales and marketing campaigns so you can sit back and focus on having intelligent and meaningful conversations with your prospects.

Research adds fuel to your existing sales efforts

Sales Research unearths nuggets of insight that can be quickly leveraged and used by sales team in order to have more meaningful conversations. Leveraging customised research helps you become more buyer centric through making your conversations more customer obsessed. Moreover, customised research helps you build understanding of customers to facilitate buyer centric messages and communications at every stage of the buyer journey. Outsourcing of your research efforts means that you now have more time selling as well as more effective sales and marketing campaigns.

Helps you achieve customisation at scale

In addition to helping you build understanding of the Industry and Sector that your target accounts operates, research facilitates the hyper personalisation of content, messaging as well as conversations. Since sales is people to people i.e. people sell to people, it serves the sales rep very well if he knows about the person he is selling to. Having an intel unit that caters to your global marketing and sales teams is an invaluable proposition that helps you build understanding and achieve customisation at scale without worrying about time lost on selling and closing. Outsourcing sales research is like creating a close of your sales person who does all the research and passes on the intel to the sales team that’s on the ground winning the battle of sales.


You should outsource your sales efforts as it adds fuel to your existing sales efforts, saves you time and helps you focus more on selling. Above all, outsourcing research helps you build understanding and customisation at scale, as having an intel unit that caters to your global marketing and sales teams means that you have a partner who will solely focus on helping you achieve your data and insight requirement.

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