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Buyer Persona Insight

“Intel on target personas to decode role-specific priorities”

Our bespoke buyer persona insight provides in-depth information about a particular role in an industry, for example, CIOs in the automotive industry. This insight consists of the buyer’s key focus areas, priorities, success metrics, and challenges. A buyer persona insight report should be treated as a living and breathing document for companies that are heavily inclined towards delivering exceptional customer experience.

Our highly detailed buyer persona insight reports help you to better understand the wants and needs of your customers, achieve hyper-personalization so that your messaging resonates with them, and also help your C-level executives.

Our buyer persona reports follow a 3 tiered approach. Here’s an example of our 3 tiered buyer persona insight report for the automobile industry:

Speak your target persona’s language

Our insight reports are highly tailored to help you truly understand the changing dynamics of the roles in your target industry. We collect, curate, and deliver competitive intelligence to give you the edge against rivals. Each insight report is built by leveraging years of experience and 1000s of reliable data sources to help you fuel your ongoing ABM programs.

Persona overview

Pain points and challenges

Strategies and priorities of the role

Opportunity identification

Key decision-makers

Change drivers

Custom requirement

Benefits of using Buyer Persona Insight reports

Benefits of Account Insight

Users of Buyer Persona Insight Reports

Additional Services

Executive insight
People Specific Insight

“Are your reps reaching out to the right person at the right time with right messaging?”

Pursuit Specific Insight

“Are you chasing a large deal? Uncover insights that can drive growth and move business forward.”

Marketing Collateral Development Support

“Start better conversations with your prospects”

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