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Shorten Complex Sales Cycles Through Sales Intelligence

The modern B2B sales process has evolved significantly with ‘insight’ playing a significant role. Buyers have a plethora of information available at their fingertips, which means that they take longer to decide, leading to an increase in length of sales cycles.

B2B Buyer’s Survey Report says that 58% of buyers responded to an overall increase in their length of B2B purchase cycle. According to the report, it takes longer for buyers because of two major reasons:

1.      Increased amount of information for research purposes

2.      Increase in number of decision makers for the purchase decision

The report also reveals an opportunity a modern B2B buyers value personalised experiences throughout their complex sales journey. The hidden gem in shortening sales cycle is personalisation of overall marketing efforts. So, how to go about personalising?

How does ABM Sales Intelligence increase your personalisation?

Sales teams are equipped with key insights about company needs

ABM Account Insight programs support Sales teams with key insights about target accounts and help them understand the internal structure of the businesses they are targeting, their strategic priorities and their company needs. Connecting the dots from all-available relevant information about your target account, Intelligence programs equip Sales teams with insight about company needs.

Marketing teams speak directly to your prospects through relevant content

Intelligence programs enable Marketing teams to reach higher personalisation levels through key insights about target account. Additionally, industry-targeted insight programs assist marketing teams with the understanding of the dynamics and challenges of the industry that target accounts operate in. Industry profiles allow personalisation of messages in accordance to recent industry news and trends that influence the target account.

Clear demonstration of expertise and industry specificity through insight-driven content

Insight-driven content empower Sales and Marketing teams with knowledge about the industry and the accounts that they are targeting. Insights collected act as a catalyst to empower targeted marketing programs that allow for meaningful and purposeful conversations with target accounts. Collected insights can be leveraged to produce content that clearly demonstrate industry expertise and high relevance.


Account-Based Sales Intelligence is an integral part of your overall targeted marketing efforts to be more personal and ultimately effective in reducing the length of complex B2B sales. A more personalised customer journey can be fueled by a research driven insight program that is customised in accordance to the profile of your target accounts and industry.

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