According to data from Forrester Research, aligned sales and marketing teams witness an average of 32% yearly revenue growth whereas companies with unaligned sales and marketing teams see a 7% negative growth. This highlights the importance of Sales and Marketing alignment, which Account Insight helps enabling.
Sales and Marketing alignment is brought about by traditional research. Traditional research clarifies the attributes of companies that Sales and Marketing teams are focusing on selling into. The integration of Sales and Marketing is also brought about by traditional research, if both teams are looking at the same information then there is unity brought about in terms of level of data and insight.
Here are ways that Account Insight Enables Sales and Marketing alignment:
Sales and Marketing teams are level in terms of insight
Account Insight unifies Sales and Marketing teams in terms of insight, bringing about the generality of information across. The generality of information means that Sales and Marketing teams are level in terms of insight of the accounts that they are chasing after. Customised research brings about universality of actionable insight, as both teams are looking at the same information which brings about unity in terms of level of data and insight.
Empowers co-ordination based on same insight
Moreover to bringing Sales and Marketing teams level in terms of insight, both teams can now co-ordinate and work together based on the same insight. Account Insight fuelled by customised research means that Sales and Marketing teams are chasing after target accounts equipped with a unity of insight. This yields positive business results in terms of combined effort which ultimately leads to higher yearly revenue growth. This is supported by Forrester Research data which revealed that aligned Sales and Marketing teams witness 32% yearly revenue growth whereas unaligned teams see 7% negative growth.
Account Insight brings clarification at every stage of the customer journey
In addition to Sales and Marketing alignment, Account Insight brings forward clarification at every stage of the customer journey. Customised research help organisations agree upon the 7 key elements to Sales and Marketing alignment such as the target buyer, messaging and content alignment. Account Insight therefore clarifies the buyer persona, the messaging sent to the ideal customer and other elements to deliver faster revenue and profit growth.
Sales and Marketing alignment is brought by Account Insight through the unity of insight. Account Insight helps in the achievement of Sales and Marketing alignment which drives positive business results, such as higher revenue and higher profit growth. In sum, Account Insight is a valuable tool to bring forward Sales and Marketing alignment which delivers forward real business results and long standing customer relationships.